Privacy Policy

    IZI SKY app will respect and protect the privacy of all users,In order to provide you with more accurate and quality services, APP will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy,IZI SKY app will not disclose your information or provide it to the third party without your permission,IZI SKY APP will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you agree to use the APP, it is deemed that you have agreed all the contents of this privacy policy.

    Last updated: October 5, 2022

1、Scope of application

    a)After you use the IZI SKY app network service, connect to APP, and agree to use the positioning function requested by APP, APP will automatically save your current GPS location, and read the IP address of your current device, the language and the system version information of mobile phone.
    b)When you use the IZI SKY APP album feature, APP requests album access to read or store photos and image files taken through APP.

2、Information use

    a)IZI SKY app does not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any third party unless you have prior permission, or the third party and IZI SKY app (including IZI SKY affiliate) serve you individually or jointly, and after the end of the service, these privileges relate to your personal privacy. It will be automatically prohibited.
    b)IZI SKY app also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or distribute your personal information by any means. If any IZI SKY app platform user engages in the above activities, we have the right to terminate the service agreement with that user immediately upon discovery.
    c)IZI SKY will ask you for permission to use any function that involves your personal information, and will only execute it with your permission.

3、 Information disclosure

    IZI SKY app will disclose all or part of your personal information in accordance with your personal wishes or legal requirements if:
    a)Disclose to the third party by your prior consent;
    b)To provide the products and services you require, you must share your personal information with the third party;
    c)Disclosure to a third party or an administrative or judicial organ in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of the administrative or judicial organs;
    d)If you violate the relevant laws, regulations or IZI SKY app service agreement or rules of the relevant region, you need to disclose to a third party;
    e)Other IZI SKY app considers appropriate disclosure according to laws, regulations or policies.

4、Information storage and exchange

    Information and information gathered by IZI SKY app about you will be stored on APP and/or its associated corporate servers, which may be transmitted to your country, region or outside the country where IZI SKY app gathers information and data and accessed, stored and displayed abroad.

5、 The personal information subject cancels the account

    You can cancel your previously registered account at any time, please send an email to
    After canceling your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, and delete your personal information according to your requirements, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

6、Instructions for use

    a)If you do not want to receive our direct marketing communications, please let us know that we will delete your personal information from the direct marketing list.
    b)If you are under 14, you should obtain the consent and guidance of your parents or guardians to ensure the proper use of our products and services.
    c)Some of the provisions of this Privacy Policy may not apply to you in accordance with the laws of your region. The privacy policy does not exclude or restrict any rights you enjoy under the local law.

7、Change of privacy

    In order to provide you with better service, we may amend the terms of the Privacy Policy in due course. If the revised policy will affect your permissions, we will inform you by IZI SKY app platform or email before the new policy comes into effect. If you continue to use our products and services after being informed, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.